Chief Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah
I am the bridge between life and death, the only light in a black hole. My mission is to retrieve the lost souls of those who feel alone, abandoned, and disowned. In this life you either learn fast or you die young. not a physical death for a physical death it`s a mere illusion, but a mental and spiritual death. The enemy has corroded your mind to make you believe you are stuck, but power and freedom is your birthright. For at our core, we are Divine your ability to think of what has never been thought of before is God within you. Do what has never been done before, cross this bridge. Remember if you can think it, you can do it. When I embarked on my journey all seemed impossible, in fact everyone around me took every opportunity to tell me that I would never be anything. Through perseverance I proved them wrong. I finished my college degree, earned my PHD, worked as a nurse for 20 years, then built this organization along with several multimillion dollar companies. The limitless being within us bears no limits, he wears no chains. The only limits that exist are the ones you have created. There are no rules for those who make their own rules be one life.
Shelia Benjamin ~Inusah a woman who loves the Lord with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength. She has dedicated her life to adding value, and empowering others to reach their goals. Called to be a Pastor in 2007, she has had the honor and privilege of being the Founder / CEO / Overseer, and Senior Pastor of C.B. Helping Hands Ministries, Helping Hands Angels, C.B. Helping Hands, LLC, C.B Helping Hands Medical Billing, C.B Helping Hands Prayer Warriors, C.B. Helping Hands Ministries Ghana, C.B. Helping Hands Ministries Liberia, C.B. Helping Hands Ministries International Academy - Ghana, as well as C.B. Helping Hands Christian Academy - New Mexico. Her work in the vineyard began at an early age, when she would attend church with her father, a southern Baptist minister. She is a servant who held many positions in the church from Sunday school teacher, to outreach coordinator, to evangelist; setting out to reach the lost and downtrodden at any cost. After many years of service, she heard the call of God to become a pastor, educator, speaker, coach, teacher, and overseer. She took the call very seriously, and after proving through education, fasting, praying, and examining the scriptures, she humbly accepted the call and has diligently labored for the Lord ever since. To add value to other people's lives. As well as aid them to achieve lifelong successes.
Now as Overseer, Senior Pastor of C.B. Helping Hands Ministries; a non-profit ministry found in Grants, NM, Jacksonville Florida, Oliver Springs Tennessee, Ghana, and Liberia on a mission to bridge the gap between generations and touch the hearts of hurting people. Daily she ministers, speaks, teaches, trains, and coaches to help the homeless, battered women, suicidal people, and at-risk youth. Having a heart for the youth, and a heart for the future of the world, as well as empowering through education, after realizing that most areas have a high percentage dropout rate this challenged her to become the change that she wanted for the area. In 2014 C.B. Helping Hands Ministries opened the Christian Academy for grades 5th-12th to serve the community.
Ghana July 2016 was honored with the opening of C.B. Helping Hands International Academy,
Other schools and outreach programs in progress in other states, and countries.
She has been recognized as a well-known nurse, coach, teacher, mentor, business-women, speaker, motivator, evangelist, leadership trainer, Overseer, and Pastor. She has had the honor and privilege of traveling the world to speak at many organizations, such as the NAACP, women support groups, many churches, and many charity organizations, as well as small businesses.
Weekly she can be seen and heard giving Godly advice on C.B. Helping Hands Ministries weekly TV show, One Life with Pastor Shelia, and our weekly radio broadcast. She was also one of the women featured in the 2015 Winter Issue of “Women of Distinction.”
A recipient of many awards such as the Inspired Comfort Award, The Tennessee Community Service Award, The State Representative Award, Outstanding Community Service Award, The Caregiver Award, Who's Who, and many more.
Still working in the corporate world, she enjoys being a motivational speaker, as well as her current position as Founder/ President of C.B. Helping Hands Medical Billing & Staffing Services. She was inspired by her father the Late Reverend Chester Benjamin; who was stricken with cancer. At age 15 her time was spent taking care of her father, when all other youth her age were going to parties and movies. She learned at an early age the importance of adding value to other people's lives. She could be found reading the bible to her father, praying with him, and helping to care for him. At the age of 15 is when she developed a passion for caring for the sick, serving others, and adding value to others life.
After a real estate career, being a travel advisor, working in hospitals, and nursing homes as an CNA, and later a nurse, she then became a business owner. Shelia and her husband were the owners of a carpet and flooring store; then later a high-end restaurant. She has won many awards in ministry, nursing, and business. She knows what it means to start at the bottom, and work your way to the top. She understands challenging times, disappointments, and setbacks. She believes knowledge is power, and we should never stop learning or striving, she has completed the God's Leading Ladies Enrichment program through the Potter's house, and the John Maxwell Training Program. She continued to find ways to reach God's people, and became God's hands of compassion here on earth.
She has said that her greatest honor and privilege is being known as a servant, and being called by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to help and serve as many people as possible. Also, her goal is to touch as many lives as possible to train and equip leaders, and add value to others as long as she lives.
